Tuesday, August 19, 2008

Virginia DOT August 2008

As some of you may have heard, I have been recuperating from cancer for the past three months. It seems to be in remission but I have a protocol of chemo to continue until the end of the year. On the off weeks from chemo infusions I plan to continue training as much as I can. ( a huge thank you to Cary Shepherd and Husqvarna for filling in and helping with training events in the interim).

Last week was my first attempt back at the saw... We traveled to Virginia for a week long training session with Virginia Department of Transportation. It went very well thanks to a super group in the class and hills that were not too steep. The 14 participants pitched in and made my life much easier but I tried to be as normal as usual, trying to carry my equipment and staying up with everything.

The week was a special training for me. I had no idea if I could make it through but with God, Friends and Family I have found most anything can be accomplished. Thanks VDOT for giving me a new vision on life last week. I am looking forward to the next session.... Tim

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